
Skin Care Fads That Are Actually Bad for Your Skin

Jul 13, 2023
Skin Care Fads That Are Actually Bad for Your Skin
Skin is exceptionally durable if you take care of it correctly; however, there are better ways to care for delicate skin than following trending skin advice online. Learn about popular skin care fads that could damage your skin.

Social media has taken the world by storm, allowing people to find everything from DIY recipe hacks to how to fix things at home.

However, social media outlets also promote DIY skin care routines and fads that may seem like a good idea but could be more problematic in the long run.

Taking care of your skin is simple if you follow the right advice. Dr. Camille I. Roberts and The Dermatology Center of Worcester team offer expert skin care advice when you need a change in your routine.

Dr. Roberts is an experienced dermatologist who offers professional skin care products and safe treatments to rejuvenate your skin and provide a healthy glow under professional supervision.

Popular skin care fads

You can find out about anything on popular social media outlets, including skin care hacks that may or may not be healthy for your skin.

In most cases, skin care hacks and fads aren't a good idea, as there's no medical evidence supporting these claims that social media celebrities allege to be true.

If you're looking for a healthy glow to your skin, avoid these common skin care fads you may see online:

At-home microneedling

Microneedling is a professional technique that stimulates collagen production by inducing tiny micro-injuries in the skin.

At-home devices claim to produce the same results as in-office microneedling techniques, but this isn't true.

At home, microneedling can lead to severe skin damage, including infections and permanent scarring on the skin.

Sunscreen contouring

Using sunscreen as a natural contouring device is a big no-no in skin care. Although it gained popularity on social media outlets, professionals strongly advise against it.

It would be best if you used sunscreen all over your body to protect delicate skin from the sun's harmful UV rays. Only applying sunscreen to areas of your face that you would use a highlighter on is a recipe for disaster.

Instead, use makeup to provide stunning facial contours. Don't sacrifice your skin's long-term health for a gorgeous summer glow with sunscreen contouring.

Pore vacuuming

At-home pore vacuums are all the rage, claiming to remove debris and blockages from your pores. However, if misused, they can lead to damage, such as broken blood vessels and scarring your skin.

Leave cleaning your pores with these devices to the professionals, or use a facial cleanser to clean your skin.

Nasal tanning spray

Nasal tanning sprays are a recipe for disaster when tanning your skin without laying out in the sun. You inhale these sprays through your nose, introducing Melanotan II, the main ingredient.

Once in your system, Melanotan II enters your bloodstream and causes the skin to look darker. However, there are serious health concerns, such as muscle injuries and skin cancer.

DIY exfoliants

Some social media platforms encourage baking soda in homemade exfoliants to quickly eliminate acne and improve the skin's appearance.

However, baking soda doesn't belong anywhere on your skin because of its alkalinity. It's incredibly harsh on the skin, leading to dryness, dermatitis, and even infections.

Use an over-the-counter exfoliant instead, or talk to Dr. Roberts about professional exfoliants that are safe to use on your skin.

Simple and safe skin care tips

Instead of following the latest skin care fads on social media, turn to Dr. Roberts for simple skin care tips. Taking care of your skin is relatively simple if you have the right knowledge and the proper tools.

Begin taking care of your skin at a young age to improve the longevity of its health. Use simple skin care tips such as the following to enhance your skin's appearance and keep it glowing:

  • Use sunscreen
  • Wash your face before bed
  • Be gentle on your skin
  • Use a moisturizer
  • Don't smoke
  • Eat healthily
  • Manage stress

A proper skin care routine is essential to reduce signs of aging. Dr. Roberts offers several professional-grade products and cutting-edge procedures to keep your skin looking its best at any age.

For more information on proper skin care techniques, call our Worcester, Massachusetts office at 508-452-2702 for an appointment or request a consultation online today.